Sign Up to join the Beta FirePod Coverage
Let us know where you need coverage and we’ll be in touch. Initial FirePod coverage is limited to Santa Barbara County, California, and will open to areas where there is demand. We’ll be in touch when your area is covered.
How much is a FirePod?
Standard Glacier will offer a subscription service for homes and businesses. There will be a signup fee of $500 for 3D scanning the property to make an accurate map so we know how best to serve you. A smaller monthly fee will keep your FirePod reserved at a local dispatch yard. Each deployment will have a base cost of $5,000.
Can I subscribe to the FirePod today?
We are building the prototype of the FirePod right now. Sign up at the top of the page to be eligible to join the beta, or, sign up for our newsletter below to get updates on our progress.